GTC93 is 190/250 in the mainline set, 10/10 in the Then and Now series, and a 2021 Treasure Hunt. It is red with white double stripes on top and stripes on the sides.
“Mazda” is on the trunk and “MX-5” and the Hot Wheels logo are on the sides. The low production symbol can be found on the rear quarter panels. The roadster has a tinted windshield, black interior, lace wheels with white rims, and a black plastic Malaysia base.
This vehicle can be found in mix “K” of 2021 Hot Wheels mainline cases.
The ’91 Mazda MX-5 Miata made its debut in the 2019 HW Speed Graphics series. It is based upon the sports car that came with a standard 5-speed manual transmission and a straight-four engine.
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