The 2019 super set has premium vehicles with “TH” graphics, Spectraflame paint, and Real Rider wheels. The cars are hidden within other series and the packaging does not reveal they are Super Treasure Hunts.
FYG11 is part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set and 8/10 in the HW Speed Graphics series. The compact car is…
FYG14 is part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set and 2/5 in the Nissan series. It is Spectraflame green with red…
FYG16 is part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set and 3/5 in the HW Roadsters series. It is Spectraflame gold detailed…
FYG18 is 96/250 in the mainline set, 3/10 in the Volkswagen series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set. It…
FYG10 is 108/250 in the mainline set, 9/10 in the HW Screen Time series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt…
FYG13 is 138/250 in the mainline set, 7/10 in the Nightburnerz series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set. It…
FYG17 is 152/250 in the mainline set, 9/10 in the Speed Blur series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
FYG19 is 164/250 in the mainline set, 2/10 in the HW Flames series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
FYG15 is 173/250 in the mainline set, 8/10 in the HW Race Day series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt…
FYG12 is 194/250 in the mainline set, 2/10 in the Muscle Mania series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
FYG06 is 203/250 in the mainline set, 3/10 in the Rod Squad series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
FYG07 is 223/250 in the mainline set, 8/10 in the HW Exotics series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
FYG08 is 226/250 in the mainline set, 4/5 in the HW Green Speed series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt…
FYG09 is 242/250 in the mainline set, 5/10 in the HW Race Team series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt…
FYG05 is 246/250 in the mainline set, 10/10 in the Factory Fresh series, and part of the 2019 Super Treasure Hunt set….
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